jueves, 10 de marzo de 2011

Exceptions about progressivo

English verbs conservation A number of past-present, as must and CAN. These verbs lack a separate form for the third person singular: you can, can. These verbs LACK OF A separately for the third person singular: CAN, CAN. All past-present verbs survive in modern English are the auxiliary verbs. The word that, although historically not a verb past-present, declines as one when used as an aid, a leveling process that has become common when dealing with a full verb

Called exceptions because they do not have a subject or help the nose to be and read as verbs but as progressivo infinitives.
Before coming to this place hesitate long in coming.
On putting luggage in the car fell off the clothes.
After cooking the food should be served.
In spite of sleeping with the lights off mosquitoes rest stop.
Instead of going to Italy is better to go to Paris.
Besides save a document should support the information in another folder.
Without maintaining computer equipment in good condition this may fail quickly.Leer fonéticamente

My comment about this data is that it's okay for young people in school and learned that this information did not know things about Progressive time did not know.

Oral source: Marilu Osorio Quirino knows English since 2000.

Written source:

full name: Gabino Osorio Monica
Leer fonéticamente

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